About Me

Katie Keighley Counselling

Katie Keighley Counselling

Katie Keighley CounsellingHow I work:

• In person at Ambleside Parish Centre, South Cumbria. The building is fully accessible with free parking and toilets.
• Online via Zoom
• Telephone

I can offer an initial 30 minute consultation session, free of charge, so you can see if this is something you would like to take forward with me.  

I can offer day appointments, occasional evening ones.

Initial 30 minute consultation session is free

Subsequent sessions are £45 for 1 hour 

I have had several years training and experience in Person Centred counselling including complex grief; traumatic bereavement; depression; anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I have been involved with the bereavement charity Cruse for a number of years, working with bereaved individuals through their grief. I am the Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead at my place of work, working with Senior Management Team to embed a positive approach to mental health and supporting people who need it. 

I live and work in South Cumbria with my family and our dog. I love reading, wild swimming and yoga.

  • I have a Diploma in Transactional Analysis (TA) Counselling.
  • I am an Individual Member of BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)
  • I am a member of the following organisations:
  • ITAA – International Transactional Analysis Association
  • EATA – European Association for Transactional Analysis
  • UKATA – UK Association for Transactional Analysis 

Whilst I specialise in bereavement and loss, I also have experience in supporting people with:

• Anxiety
• Bereavement & loss
• Carer support
• Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME
• Depression
• Loneliness
• Low self-confidence
• Low self-esteem
• Redundancy
• Relationship problems
• Stress
• Suicidal thoughts
• Work-related stress

I offer one to one counselling In Person; Online; Telephone please contact me for a chat.

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Katie Keighley Counselling
Ambleside Parish Centre, The Centre, Vicarage Rd, Ambleside LA22 9DH
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